Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

Patsy Collins
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure
2 min readMay 25, 2021


The attractive flowers open from the bottom up. The first to open may have formed seeds before the last buds open. Photo copyright — Patsy Collins.

Digitalis purpurea is a poisonous biennial that produces digitalin, a chemical that can be used to treat heart failure. This herb can kill and should never be used as a home remedy. No part of the plant are edible. Don’t let that put you off growing this beautiful plant though. It is an important ingredient of woodland and cottage gardens, can be used to liven up a shrubbery as it flowers in summer, long after the spring flowering…



Patsy Collins
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure

Author, gardener, photographer, cake eater and campervanner from the south coast of England.